Digitalisasi Crossword-Puzzle Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Kognitif Siswa Kelas III MIN 1 Lamongan

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Nina Rohmatul Fauziyah
M. Rosyid Ridlo


This research is based on the fact that learning the subject of Islamic cultural history in class III MIN 1 Lamongan tends for students to be inactive during the learning process. This will affect the learning activities in class on the subject of Islamic cultural history, which will not go well. The researcher's aim in this research is to improve cognitive learning outcomes related to students' understanding or cognitive level of learning through the application of digitalization of crossword puzzles in SKI learning. The subjects in this research included 31 students of MIN 1 Lamongan. This research is a type of classroom action research that consists of two cycles. The selected data collection techniques are observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the data processing in this research is in the form of student learning outcomes (cognitive level of understanding). The results of this study showed that student learning outcomes were 32.26% complete; and increased in the results of cycle I, to 58.06%, continued in the results of cycle II there was an increase until the achievement of complete learning comprehension results reached 89%. So; It was concluded that crossword puzzle media was able to improve students' cognitive abilities.


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