Kreativitas Peserta Didik Kelas IX SMPN I Amarasi pada Materi Bioteknologi Menggunakan Model Project Based Learning

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Roswita Feronika Nubatonis
Alfons Bunga Naen
Godelfridus Hadung Lamanepa


This study aims to explore the level of creativity of 9th grade students of SMPN I Amarasi in understanding biotechnology material, focusing on aspects of creativity such as Flexibility, Fluency, Elaboration, and Originality. The research method used was descriptive quantitative method, the subjects of this study were 25 students from class IX SMPN I Amarasi. In the data collection process, researchers used creativity observation sheets as an instrument to measure the level of creativity of students. Data analysis was carried out by paying attention to each aspect of creativity that has been determined, namely Flexibility, Fluency, Elaboration, and Originality. The results showed that the creativity of students in the flexibility aspect with a percentage of 86% was in the good category, the fluency aspect with a percentage of 94%, was in the very good category, the elaboration aspect with a percentage of 95% with a very good category, and the originality aspect with a percentage of 93% included in the very good category. Thus, this study provides a fairly optimistic picture of the level of creativity of students in learning biotechnology material


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