A Critical Review of Case Studies and Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Literacy Education
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This study undertakes a critical review analysis of case studies on teaching reading and emerging literacies, with a focus on the book "Literacy and Libraries: Learning from Case Studies" by DeCandido and Office (2001). The study examines theories, instructional approaches, challenges, and strategies associated with teaching reading and new literacies. It addresses the ongoing debate between phonics-based instruction and whole language approaches, explores the integration of digital and multimodal literacies, and considers the needs of diverse learners, including those with learning disabilities and English language learners. The study also recognizes the role of libraries and librarians in promoting literacy and provides recommendations for a balanced literacy approach that incorporates phonics, whole language strategies, and digital literacies. The findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge on effective teaching approaches and challenges in literacy education, supporting educators, researchers, and policymakers in enhancing reading instruction
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