Improving Students Interest In Learning Simple Present Tense By Using Jumble Words Media At The Eight Graders Of MTs Ar Risalah Kepil Wonosobo
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The lack of student enthusiasm in learning English, particularly when it comes to simple present tense material, is a challenge that teachers frequently face. This phenomena motivates scholars to investigate and discover the optimal way to solve these challenges. In this study, eighth-grade students from MTs Ar Risalah Kepil Wonosobo served as subjects. This study employed the three-cycle classroom action research methodology. Several methods, including tests (pre-test and post-test), observation, questionnaires, and interviews, were used to collect data for the study. Researchers employed a pre-test, a post-test, and observations to establish the amount of the impact or influence of employing jumble word media as a medium for learning. Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I, post-test II, and post-test III, there was a rise in the average student's interest in studying English, particularly in the simple present tense material. Pre-cycle 48.3, cycle I 64.6, cycle II 69.7, and cycle III 72.0. In addition, students become more engaged in the learning process, indicating that the use of jumbled words as a learning tool can increase student interest in learning, hence influencing learning outcomes.
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