ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur 2025-02-16T12:12:58+07:00 Reginaldo Christophori Lake Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: justify;"> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <table style="width: 100.475%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td style="height: 22px; vertical-align: middle; background-color: #1e6292; width: 100%; text-align: justify;"> <p><span style="color: #ffd700;"><strong><span style="color: #010a0b;"><a href=""><img src="/public/site/images/arteks/new-ani4.gif"></a></span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">INFO PENTING BAGI PENULIS:</span></strong></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000000;">Saat ini ada beberapa oknum yang melakukan penipuan mengatas namakan ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur oleh karena itu para penulis perlu mengikuti informasi berikut ini:</span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><span style="color: #dc143c;"><strong>1. PUBLIKASI ARTIKEL DI ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur TIDAK ATAU BELUM BERBAYAR;</strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: #dc143c;"><strong>2. ALAMAT EMAIL</strong> <span style="color: #000000;"><strong>[</strong>;;</span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">]</span> DAN NOMOR KONTAK EDITOR</strong> <span style="color: #000000;"><strong>[</strong>085239151912<strong>]</strong></span><strong> YANG VALID HANYA YANG TERTERA DI WEB OJS INI;</strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: #dc143c;"><strong>3. JANGAN MEMPERCAYAI JASA-JASA PUBLIKASI YANG MENAWARKAN JASA PUBLIKASI KE ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur.</strong></span></p> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <table style="width: 100.475%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="height: 40px; vertical-align: middle; background-color: #c1d5d8; width: 100%; text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #010a0b;"><strong><a href=""><img src="/public/site/images/arteks/new-ani4.gif"></a>Current issue 2024:</strong> <a title="Current Issue" href="">ARTEKS Volume 9 Issue 3 December 2024</a>&nbsp;<strong>| </strong><a title="Article in Progress Issue" href="">In Progress Issue</a> <strong>| </strong><a title="Archive" href="">Archive</a><strong>&nbsp;| </strong><a title="Submission" href="">Start Submission</a><strong><br></strong></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur</strong> is a medium of scholarly publication published &nbsp;by <a title="UNWIRA" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Architecture Study Program of Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira</a> in collaboration with Indonesia Architect Association of [IAI] NTT Region, the <a title="IPBLI Journal" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Indonesian Built Environment Research Institute [IPBLI]</a> and <a title="ARTEKS Indexed by SATUPENA RI" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Indonesia Writers Guild [SATUPENA RI]</a>. It serves several goals i.e., being a medium of communication, dissemination and exchange of information, and a medium of publishing scholarly research in the field of Architecture. <strong>ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur</strong> is published with the frequency of publishing three times a year, in <strong>April</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>August</strong>,&nbsp;and <strong>December</strong>.&nbsp; The first issue of 2016, <a title="ARTEKS December 2016" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Volume 1, Nomor 1, December 2016</a>. Print ISSN <span class="serial-item serialDetailsIssn"><a title="pISSN ARTEKS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-0598</a></span>&nbsp;[<a title="ARTEKS print" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">pISSN Portal</a>]&nbsp;<span class="serial-item serialDetailsEissn"><span class="serial-title">Online ISSN</span>&nbsp;<a title="eISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-1217</a>&nbsp;[<a title="ARTEKS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">eISSN Portal</a>]. The journal registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier [DOI] prefix <a title="ARTEKS DOI" href=";container-title=ARTEKS%2C+Jurnal+Teknik+Arsitektur&amp;publisher-name=Prodi.+Teknik+Arsitektur+Universitas+Katolik+Widya+Mandira&amp;page=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.30822/arteks</a>.&nbsp;Articles can be accepted in 2 languages [Indonesian and English]. </span><strong>ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur </strong>covers general as well as specific issues in the field of Architecture such as (1) Theory, History, Architectural Design; (2) Architectural Science and Technology; (3) Urban Architecture and Design; (4) House and Housing Architecture; (5) Interior and Exterior Design.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: justify;">The journal, which serves as a forum for the study of Indonesian Architecture, supports focused studies of particular themes and interdisciplinary studies relation to the subject. It has become a medium of exchange of ideas and research findings from various learning traditions that have interacted in a scholarly manner. The editor invites all relevant parties to contribute in publishing scientific articles that have never been published before. For essays (paper) online submission just simply visit the link <a title="Submission ARTEKS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a>&nbsp;and for further information you can contact us at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<a href=""></a></div> Exploring user preferences for lighting and spatial conditions and the impact on atmospheric qualities of Catholic churches 2025-02-16T12:12:58+07:00 Adira Damai Reforma Dewi Larasati Hanson Endra Kusuma <p style="font-weight: 400;">The transformations in the design of Catholic church architecture, partly influenced by the Second Vatican Council, have led to notable changes in spatial and lighting conditions. This research endeavors to investigate user preferences concerning lighting and spatial elements in Catholic church buildings. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, executed in two stages. Data collection involves the utilization of online questionnaires employing a non-random/non-probability sampling method. Subsequent data analysis incorporates principal component analysis, factor analysis, and correlation analysis. Each independent variable is systematically analyzed to discern user preferences. The findings of the study reveal that factors such as color, contrast, visual comfort, lighting hierarchy, visual richness, building age, perceived building shape, verticality, symmetry, and secluded space exert influence on the stimulation of positive and spiritual impressions. The research sheds light on the intricate interplay between architectural elements and user perceptions within the context of Catholic church design, providing valuable insights for further considerations in sustainable and meaningful architectural practices.</p> 2024-12-03T14:18:59+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adira Damai Reforma, Dewi Larasati, Hanson Endra Kusuma Morphology of the Manangamesi area, East Sumba 2025-02-16T12:12:44+07:00 Generosus Umbu Banju <p><em>The architecture and spatial form of the Old City of Waingapu are the result of the development of Manangamesi Harbor, which occurs between the city space and the environmental elements behind it so that an overview of its problems can be obtained to date. This research aims to provide suggestions for factors that can be integrated from the Manangamesi area using qualitative descriptive methodology. The analysis used is Urban network analysis by approaching the location or object being studied. The research results indicate that the Manangamesi area originated from the estuary's geographical location as a fishing anchorage and the barter trade between inland tribes and coastal residents in the pre-Swampaja era. During the Swapraja era, this trade became the foundation for the Manangamesi area's development. During the colonial era, the Manangamesi area began to flourish. Current population, economic, and ecological growth are causing a decline in regional quality in the Manangamesi area. Examining regional ecology, architecture, and design, this study addresses the shortcomings of earlier research on the Manangamesi region and is superior to other interdisciplinary sciences that concentrate on science, environmental studies, and more economic research. Recommendations for additional multidisciplinary research in the fields of architecture, urban planning, ecology, economics, tourism, and politics are necessary for the development of the Manangamesi area.</em></p> 2024-12-04T05:00:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Generosus Umbu Banju Study of physical settings of traditional markets regarding development feasibility 2025-02-16T12:12:29+07:00 Nicolaus Nino Ardhiansyah <p><em>Borobudur Market cannot be separated from the existence of Borobudur Temple as the main tourist destination in Central Java. Borobudur Market is expected to be able to play a role as a tourist "point-of-interest", not just in the economic activities of the surrounding community. Magelang Regency, Central Java has quite a large distribution of traditional markets, so the Regional Government of Magelang Regency is committed to improving the quality of services and facilities at conventional markets. The Magelang Regency Government's numerous initiatives, such as market revitalization and research projects aimed in establishing traditional marketplaces there, demonstrate how this commitment is being carried out. The government of Magelang Regency is concerned on a number of marketplaces, including Borobudur Market. The public's prejudice of traditional markets, which are typically connected to slums, subpar service, and scant auxiliary facilities, is the largest obstacle facing Borobudur Market. Spatial planning, parking space accessibility, trader zoning, loading and unloading zones, and other issues are some of the issues at Borobudur Market. Using the Pasar Rakyat SNI variable, the analytical approach will map current issues.&nbsp; The various situations and current conditions of the Borobudur Market are signs that this market must immediately improve so that its role can transform from a traditional market to a tourist market that runs optimally.</em></p> 2024-12-05T08:24:06+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nicolaus Nino Ardhiansyah Analyzing surface temperature on street median parks in Malang’s hot-humid climate 2025-02-16T12:12:15+07:00 Wasiska Iyati Ayu Nur Izzati Hilmy Rika Nur Fitriani Alya Nafisa Fidelista Jono Wardoyo <p><em>In hot humid cities, the local microclimate can be moderated by the green open spaces. Differences in the characteristics of its hardscape and softscape elements can result in different thermal environmental conditions. As one of the green open spaces, the street median park can provide vegetation to reduce the air temperature of the region's microclimate. This paper analyzes the thermal characteristics of three street median parks in Malang, which are represent the green street medians in hot humid country of Indonesia. A thermal imaging camera was used to compare the hardscape and softscape surface temperature difference of the three parks. The thermal image results show that stone and paving materials have the highest surface temperatures. Stone as the higher surface temperature is shown in three green streets median. Coral stone has the highest surface temperature at 43.6 °C in Ijen and 42.03 °C in Veteran. Paving also has the highest surface temperature at 43.17 °C in Kunang-kunang. Grass or earth with trees has the lowest surface temperature at 28.53°C in Ijen, 27.93 °C in Kunang-kunang, and 29.17°C in Veteran Street median park. The difference in daytime surface temperature between hardscape and softscape reaches 12.86 °C in Veteran, 15.07 °C in Ijen, 15.24 °C in Kunang-kunang.</em></p> 2024-12-05T11:09:14+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wasiska Iyati, Ayu Nur Izzati Hilmy, Rika Nur Fitriani, Alya Nafisa Fidelista, Jono Wardoyo Exploring the architectural elements meaning of Masjid Agung Kubah Timah in Pangkalpinang City 2025-02-16T12:12:00+07:00 Hadi Jaya Putra Linda Octavia <p><em>The research explores the architectural significance of Masjid Agung Kubah Timah (MAKT) in Pangkalpinang City, Indonesia. Designed by renowned architect Ridwan Kamil, MAKT represents a modern synthesis of Islamic architecture, local culture, in contemporary design. The aim is to foster a deeper appreciation of the architectural significance of MAKT. The study employs a qualitative approach to analyze MAKT's architectural elements. This study has done exploring its unique features such as the Tudung Saji-inspired dome, arch portals, Mihrab, and decorative elements. Departing from traditional mosque norms, MAKT's distinctive dome design draws inspiration from the tudung saji, a local food cover, adding a layer of cultural symbolism. The richness of Islamic art through Islamic Architecture in MAKT is evident in the integration of calligraphy and geometric patterns on the Mihrab and decorative elements, encapsulating the depth of Islamic theology. Results reveal a harmonious fusion of Islamic Architecture and Pangkalpinang's cultural identity in the mosque's design. MAKT stands as an iconic building, embodying a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, contributing to the architectural diversity and cultural richness of Pangkalpinang.</em></p> 2024-12-10T10:21:51+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hadi Jaya Putra, Linda Octavia Analysis of design criteria for post-disaster schools using prefabricated architecture concepts 2025-02-16T12:11:46+07:00 Ziyad Fauzi Na'im Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto <p><em>Indonesia's location in the ring of fire and between three continental plates makes it vulnerable to disasters. As a result, school buildings are damaged and require time and resources to be repaired or enhanced. It emphasizes the need for building designs that can be constructed quickly. As a result, the country's educational system is still developing slowly compared to other countries. The study methodology will involve two forms: gathering data and writing it properly. The writing approach will compare and analyze prefabricated variables among selected prior items.&nbsp; A comparison of data on school buildings constructed after a disaster or prefabricated methods of construction appropriate for application in these types of circumstances is the result of this study. To maintain a balance in the speed of school procurement that can continue as permanent buildings without the need for emergency or temporary schools, the research aims to ascertain the design criteria for post-disaster schools using prefabricated methods and to determine the correlation between speed and comfort.</em></p> 2024-12-11T20:49:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ziyad Fauzi Na'im, Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto Characteristics of community readiness in the slum area on the edge of the Sulang Saling channel, Medan Denai District regarding relocation plans to flats in Medan City 2025-02-16T12:11:32+07:00 Ina Triesna Budiani Yunita Syafitri Rambe Saufa Yardha Moerni Neneng Yulia Barky <p><em>The 2023 Medan Municipal RPKPP lists the Medan Denai District in the Medan Municipality of North Sumatra as a priority area for addressing slum areas. Slum settlements are being moved to the city's the margins, specifically to apartments in compliance with the City Government's 1000 Towers program, as one of the strategies employed by the government. Relocating to apartments has been implemented poorly, though, with numerous failures. The government's ignorance of the characteristics of the individuals who would be moving to live in apartments and their lack of understanding led to this failure. This research was conducted by conducting a social survey of the people on the outskirts of the Sulang Saling Channel located in Medan Denak District, Medan Municipality, North Sumatra by conducting interviews, observations and distributing questionnaires. Following data sorting and processing based on the research findings, data analysis will be conducted. The Sulang Saling Channel community's traits and preparedness were used to evaluate this study. Three community assessment variables demographics, economic status, and physical attributes are derived from the characteristics. In the meantime, the community's loyalty, involvement, and trust in an organization serve as the assessment variables for community readiness, which includes willingness and readiness. It is evident from the examination of the community's features that the residents of Channel Sulang Saling are suitable to move into apartments. Despite their readiness, only 26.56% were ready to move into flats. This was triggered by their lack of trust in the Government. Meanwhile, their attitudes towards their environmental organizations, their involvement and loyalty towards the organization are quite good, which will later become important when they relocate to an apartment. The results of this research can be used as a reference for relocating people on the outskirts of the Sulang Saling Channel for relocation to flats.</em></p> 2024-12-19T21:04:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ina Triesna Budiani, Yunita Syafitri Rambe, Saufa Yardha Moerni, Neneng Yulia Barky Identification of physical changes in dome house (Teletubies) Ngelepen Dusun, Prambanan with the Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) approach 2025-02-16T12:11:17+07:00 Rachmat Budiharjo Soesilo Boedi Leksono <p><em>A relocation of houses for the residents of Sengir hamlet, approximately 500 meters away from Nglepen hamlet, which was affected by the earthquake in 2006, the Dome House (Teletubbies) is the product of the participation of several donor countries and is located in Nglepen hamlet, Sumberharjo Village, Kapanewon Prambanan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. It has caused its people many contentious issues since it was first used in April 2007. In 2016, the region received the nickname "Dome House Tourist Village (Teletubbies), Nglepen - Prambanan" until 2018, when the community began to relive the glory era. There has been a decrease in tourist visits thus far as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019–2021. This condition is exacerbated by the addition of space that is not integrated with the dome house plan and changes in the face of the building, further reducing the performance (uniqueness) and attractiveness of the house itself. For this reason, the "Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)" research was carried out to determine the process of changes to the dome house.</em></p> 2024-12-27T21:33:42+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rachmat Budiharjo, Soesilo Boedi Leksono TOD indeks based on factor analysis for rail stations and their surrounding in Jakarta Metropolitan Region 2025-02-16T12:10:49+07:00 Etty Retnowati Kridarso Julindiani Iskandar Agus Budi Purnomo <p><em>In the Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JMR), railroads have existed since 1872, when the city was still known as Batavia and was ruled by the Dutch. When JMR implemented Transit Oriented Development (TOD) at the start of the twenty-first century, train stations and the surrounding area started to be valued as premium real estate. This study created a TOD index to assess the stations' and their surroundings' conditions regarding TOD characteristics. A TOD index based on Factor Analysis (FA) was computed for each of the 122 railway stations and the areas surrounding them in JMR using twenty-six TOD variables, which were based on the eight components of TOD established by IDTP.&nbsp; The results of this study present the TOD index introduced is comparatively similar to the index calculated by other researchers. Furthermore, we may assess train stations and their environs and provide recommendations for how to make them better as TODs by classifying the stations according to the TOD index.</em></p> 2025-01-06T09:49:59+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Etty Retnowati Kridarso, Julindiani Iskandar, Agus Budi Purnomo Coexistence of informal hybrid space in the development of Jatinegara station area in East Jakarta 2025-02-16T12:11:03+07:00 Tri Endangsih Hakim <p><em>The phenomenon of rapid increase in urban population has triggered spatial densification. By taking a densely populated area in the Jatinegara station transit area, this research tries to explore the typology of density patterns in residential areas and public buildings. The use of space and the spatial pattern of cohabitation between the informal sector and urban space are investigated in this study. Participatory design, space syntax simulation, and space use pattern observation are the methods employed in this study to address the case. The findings indicate that inserting, pasting, and stretching are the three types of compactions. Settlements, public buildings, and pedestrian spaces all experience hybrid forms of compaction. The results demonstrate that the cohabitation of hybrid spaces is negotiated, and spatial, and results in synergistic governance. The three categories of hybrid coexisting spaces are defined as informal places that coexist with formal spaces through hybridization. From the results of spatial observation and perception mapping in the process of densification, the research produced recommendations in a guided participatory workshop. This research is expected to contribute to the concept of overcoming architectural design problems of density in framing public space.</em></p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Endangsih, Hakim Evaluation of the architectural meaning of adapting traditional houses to become homestays in cultural heritage areas 2025-02-16T12:10:35+07:00 Bonifasius Sumardiyanto Cecillia Diana Lelyta Marsonia <p><em>Slums are one of the threats to Cultural Heritage Areas (KCB) which consist of traditional houses, especially those with living museum status such as KCB Kotagede in Yogyakarta. One of the main causes of slums is the inability of the owner (heir) to provide funds to preserve the building, which requires large costs. Assistance from the government or other parties, which is often incidental, is not a sustainable solution. For this reason, efforts are needed to optimize the potential of KCB so that it can generate sustainable conservation costs. One effort is to adapt traditional houses into homestays that offer cultural experiences for tourists. The study was carried out in 4 (four) residential buildings which were selected using purposive sampling. The study method begins with identifying initial plans of traditional houses and identifying plans for developing adapted designs. Next, using the Form - Function - Meaning structural approach, an analysis was carried out to what extent the architectural meaning of a traditional house was maintained in its adaptation into a homestay. This study reveals that the adaptation of a traditional house into a homestay can be done while maintaining its architectural meaning. </em></p> 2025-01-06T09:59:42+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bonifasius Sumardiyanto, Cecillia Diana Lelyta Marsonia Mapping the landscape of vernacular architecture research in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis 2025-02-16T12:10:20+07:00 Muhamad Ratodi Arfiani Syariah Oktavi Elok Hapsari Mega Ayundya Widiastuti Rita Ernawati <p><em>The evolution of Indonesian vernacular architecture research is examined using bibliometric analysis. We investigate publishing trends, authorship patterns, thematic focuses, and geographical distribution of research from 2000 to 2024 using Scopus data from 89 publications. Since 2015, research on sustainability, cultural identity, and preservation has increased significantly. Analysis shows a fragmented research community with room for more collaboration, especially between domestic and international organizations. Java and Bali are the most researched, indicating a geographical imbalance. Disaster resilience, digital documentation, bioclimatic performance, sustainable tourism, and vernacular urban adaptation are trends. The study finds research gaps, notably in eastern Indonesia, and advises additional research. Researchers, policymakers, and practitioners studying and preserving Indonesia's rich architectural legacy can benefit from this comprehensive review. This project maps the present research landscape to assist future research and preserve Indonesian vernacular architecture.</em></p> 2025-01-06T10:02:56+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Ratodi, Arfiani Syariah, Oktavi Elok Hapsari, Mega Ayundya Widiastuti, Rita Ernawati A comparative structural module study of Balla Lompoa and Ba’anjung 2025-02-16T12:10:06+07:00 Fermanto Lianto Denny Husin Rudy Trisno <p>The phenomena of modernization have questioned the world of architecture due to the occurrence of generic design. One of the adaptive solutions to internationalization and standardization without losing architectural roots is to develop architecture by using vernacular modules. This alternative may be suitable to address the stagnancy issue which is still a common problem in developing architecture beyond tradition, including cases like Balla Lompoa and Ba’anjung. The research aims to present a creative fabric by comparing both modules while understanding their pattern and possible connections. Typology is used as a method to raise the pattern, using the grid as the instrument for the case study. The steps are 1) Architectural redrawing, 2) Module extraction, and 3) Algorithm pattern. The output is an architectural algorithm as the patterns. The finding is the similarities and differences in their structural modules. The research novelty is a module guideline for modernizing Balla Lompoa and Ba’anjung, stimulating the development of a hybrid between the two.</p> 2025-01-06T10:09:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fermanto Lianto, Denny Husin, Rudy Trisno Relationship between architectural design and sacred atmosphere in Reformed Church 2025-02-16T12:09:52+07:00 Gianina Ariella Timothea Hakim Purnama Salura Aldyfra Luhulima Lukman <p><em>Reformed Christianity is one of the Protestant denominational branches in Indonesia. The Reformed tradition exhibits distinct theological and liturgical characteristics compared to other Christian denominations. Consequently, architectural design must accommodate Reformed theological concepts while supporting its liturgical practices and doctrinal views. Although Reformed churches share a unified theological belief, their architectural forms vary significantly, influencing the sacred atmosphere within these spaces. In 2024, the Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia (GRII) in Bandung inaugurated a new church building. Preliminary observations indicate that this church's architectural design diverges from typical Reformed churches, impacting the spatial ambiance. This study focuses on the relationship between the sacred atmosphere and the architectural design of Reformed churches, specifically examining the new GRII Bandung church. The research investigates the connection between the sacred ambiance and the architectural design of the GRII Bandung church. It seeks to provide insights for the academic community, contributing to theories and concepts related to church architecture in general and Reformed church architecture in particular. The findings are anticipated to offer alternative design approaches for Reformed churches and provide valuable input for church management policies. Ultimately, this study aims to lay the groundwork for more comprehensive future research in this area.</em></p> 2025-01-06T10:12:32+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gianina Ariella Timothea Hakim, Purnama Salura, Aldyfra Luhulima Lukman Formulating architectural ethnosemantics as a new research method 2025-02-16T12:09:37+07:00 Purnama Salura Stephanie Clarissa <p>Ethnography is one of the oldest methods in qualitative research rooted in anthropology. Considering that Indonesia is rich in the diversity of vernacular architecture and the culture of its people, ethnography, which means 'the study of culture', is often an option for architectural research. However, architectural research frequently only adopts the steps of the anthropological ethnographic method to reveal the cultural knowledge of a specific community; then, this cultural knowledge is simply applied to justify specific architectural works. This study aims to formulate a new architectural-ethnographic method. Of all types of ethnography, this study elaborates on ethnosemantics put forward by James Spradley. The rigorous analytical steps of ethnosemantic are then elaborated into a theory of architectural ordering principle based on the existential needs of architecture. The results of the study are expected to enrich architectural science, especially in terms of research methods. Thus, the results of this study can also improve existing architectural theories and practices, as well as become a source of new knowledge for the wider community.</p> 2025-01-06T10:15:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Purnama Salura, Stephanie Clarissa