This issue has been available online since August 01st 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 48 authors from 3 countries (Japan, Indonesia, and Nigeria).


Published: 2023-08-01

Behaviour patterns of Muslim congregants during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the great Mosque of Al-Ukhuwwah-Bandung, West Java

William Kevin, Indri Astrina Fitria Indrarani Wirakusumah, Aldyfra Luhulima Lukman, Sahid Sahid


Multi-sensory in the conception of place in an urban cultural heritage environment

Eggi Septianto, Michael Isnaeni Djimantoro, Patricia Pahlevi Noviandri, Firmansyah, Heru Wibowo Poerbo, Widjaja Martokusumo


Parametric modeling practice for the first-year architecture students learning

Wendy Sunarya, Jackobus Ade Prasetya Seputra, Afif Fajar Zakariya


A study on the transformation and succession of a historical environment a case study in Cakranegara, Indonesia

Hideo Shiraishi, Yoshihisa Wakita, Mitsuru Sasatani, Yasushi Takeuchi, Norio Maki, Yui Matsumoto
