This issue has been available online since April 01st 2024. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 46 authors from 5 countries (Malaysia, Inggris, USA, Qatar, and Indonesia).


Published: 2024-04-01

The application of the Delphi method in architectural research

Arman Arisman, Iwan Sudradjat, Indah Widiastuti


The meaning and change in the function of communal space in Lamin house

Abdul Mufti Radja, Afifah Harisah, Mohammad Mochsen Sir, Faizal Baharuddin


Spatial configuration Based on Relationship between Buildings and Road Network in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

Khoirunnisa Salsabila Tuhfah, Aqilla Farida Azzahra Arifin , Muhammad Faza Izdhihar, Amandus Jong Tallo


Challenges of implementing the green building concept in Mosques

Sahid, Anindhita Nugroho Sunartio, Aldyfra Luhulima Lukman, Indri Astrina Indrarani Wirakusumah, Adam Ramadhan, Klarissa Lazuardi, Cheryl Angeline
