Pengaruh perubahan sirkulasi terhadap fungsi ruang di rumah Peranakan, Kampung Babagan, Lasem

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Tessa Eka Darmayanti
Azizi Bahauddin


Effects of changes in circulation on spatial function in peranakan house, Babagan Village, Lasem

A change could affect circulation in a building. The change may be influenced by external or internal sources that are related to the perspective of tradition, culture and social surroundings. It may indirectly presents a new feature that can accommodate the needs of residents and this happens in one of the Peranakan houses in Lasem. It could be seen as a form of conservation while respecting family and social traditions and culture. The purpose of this study is to understand which components that influence changes in the circulation of space within the Peranakan-Kidang Mas housing complex which includes the main building, courtyard, kitchen, and workshop. To answer these objectives, the methods used are surveys, interviews, and observation. This narrative research discussion is supported by a spatial concept and research findings show that changes in circulation make it possible to give new meaning to the function of a space.

© 2020 Tessa Eka Darmayanti, Azizi Bahauddin


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Darmayanti, Tessa Eka, and Azizi Bahauddin. 2020. “Pengaruh Perubahan Sirkulasi Terhadap Fungsi Ruang Di Rumah Peranakan, Kampung Babagan, Lasem”. ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur 5 (2), 265-76.
Author Biographies

Tessa Eka Darmayanti, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia; School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Tessa Eka Darmayanti was educated in Maranatha Christian University in Interior Design, Bandung, Indonesia with cum laude honor. She become a lecturer in Interior Design Department, Art and Design Faculty, Maranatha Christian University start from 2009 to present, and graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as M.Sc in Interior Design. She was USM Fellowship recipient from 2014 to 2015. Became a Professor Primadi Tabrani assistant (start from 2009 to 2013) trained her to know how to teach in creative way and deeply understand about both creativity process and visual language. In 2015 she got a great experience from Professor Azizi Bahauddin, School of Housing, Building and Planning, USM, Malaysia as a reseach assistant and learn a lot how to become an independent researcher. Tessa has passion in art and design. She trained as an interior designer and become a member of Indonesian Interior Designer Community (HDII) since 2010. She also join an art community named Komunitas 22ibu based in Bandung, and participate in a lot of art exhibition nationally and internationally. None the less, she is in love to doing a research, writing a conference and journal paper both nationally and internationally. Her research areas are focusing in design with culture value and phenomenology. In collaboration with Department of Culture and Tourism of Banten Province, Indonesia, her first book in Indonesian language with titled Sejarah Pendopo Gubernur Banten The History of Pendopo of Banten Governor, has been published in April 2014. Now, she is currently a Ph.D Candidate in School of Housing, Building and Planning, University Sains Malaysia.

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Azizi Bahauddin, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Professor, Doctor at School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia

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