BERBAKTI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is a scientific periodical publication with e-ISSN number 2987-033X managed by Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira which is published 3 times a year or every 4 months, namely January, May and September. BERBAKTI is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that contains articles on the results of community service including training, marketing, local food safety, appropriate technology, design, community empowerment, social access, border areas, less developed areas, and education for sustainable development, the results of activities to handle and manage various potentials, constraints, challenges and problems that exist in the community. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas that have been achieved in the field of community service.



We invite servants, students, academics, and practitioners to publish their articles in Berbakti: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Berbakti Journal is a double blind peer-reviewed journal that is provided for the publication of quality service results in the field of science in accordance with the focus and scope that is not implicitly limited and publishes every 3 times a year, namely January, May and September. Please click here to submit online. After submitting, please contact us directly (082144732656) to confirm the status of the submitted article. Every article that has been submitted will be reviewed by the Berbakti Reviewer Team within 2-6 weeks. We are waiting for your best manuscripts for quality publications.

Volume 2, Number 3, January 2025 (Deadline December 15, 2024)

Submit the full manuscript (*.doc or *.docx) via the REGISTER/LOGIN form.

Registration and login are required to submit articles online and to check the status of article submissions.


Please submit using the BERBAKTI Template available on OJS; Minimum 15 references, publications of the last 10 years; It is recommended to use the Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote application in writing references; Attach with the results of a plagiarism check a maximum of 20%; Maximum file size 2 MB.

Vol 2 No 2 (2024): BERBAKTI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | September 2024

Published: 2024-09-01

Pelatihan Desain Grafis 3D Menggunakan Sketchup bagi Siswa SMKS Mahaputra Cerdas Utama di Kabupaten Bandung

Jalesita Putri Pramitha, Dimas Satrio Wijaksono, Reni Nuraeni, Sufaira Thoibah, Shifa Ainun Zaxrie, Noel Yecsen Simorangkir, Al Araaf Nur Hadid


Bersih dan Sehat Bersama: Meningkatkan Kesadaran Kesehatan Siswa Melalui Perilaku Hibup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di SDN Cempaka Baru 07 Jakarta

Yurita Mailintina, Ribka Sabarina Panjaitan, Ludovikus, Dameria Br Saragih, Dachliana, Winda Ayu Utam, Rosyida Sapta Nurhadi, Melany Putri


Eksplorasi Pendidikan Tinggi dan Karir: Promosi Perguruan Tinggi Unwira dan Peluang Karir kepada Siswa-Siswi Menengah Atas di Kota Kefamenanu, TTU

Aloysius Joakim Fernandez, Getrudis Wilhelmina Nau, Claudia Mariska M. Maing, Aloysius Masan Kopong, Aplonia Nelci Ke Lomi


Revitalisasi Pengalaman Belajar Melalui Pengoptimalan Fasilitas Belajar Mengajar di TK Bina Anaprasa 006 Cempaka II

Hijriah, Hesti Rosita Dwi Putri, Fachreza Akbar, Andi Sahputra Depari, Raftonado Situmorang, Inez Pebriani, Shabian Atha Setiawan, Putri Fatimatuzzahroh, Tri Sulistyawati, Aan Nurul Hasanah, Mahesa Graha Wisesha Cakra Buana, Farrel Ghan, Muhammad As’ad, Dhima Surya Putri


Pengelolaan Lahan Pekarangan Melalui Revitalisasi Budidaya Ikan dalam Ember (Budikdamber) Guna Meningkatkan Ketahanan Pangan di Kelurahan Gelangan Kota Magelang

Sri Sovianti, Nurul Khasanah, Masrurotul Fuadah, Izza Azzahra Dwitanti, Nur Hana, Salma Diana Nur’Aini, Real Figo Pratama, Nur Vita Amiyati, Qinthara Faiz Taqiyyanfa, Punky Agnicya Putri, Susanti Malasari


Sertfikasi Halal UMKM di Dusun Bandungan dan Kayuares

Berliana Salsabila, Zahrani Nazla Fadila, Ria Ayu Firnanda, Sukma Shinta Yunianti


Pelaksanaan Program Pengabdian di Baru Ilir Tentang UMKM, Imunisasi Polio, Edukasi Pendidikan dan Toga

Agus Wijayanto, Nadia Agustin Nawang Wulan, Amanda Elvina, Lidiya Anggreny Br Barus, Natasha Pramesty, Qhaerun Annisa, Putri Febri Nuraini, Muhammad Faridan Sutariya, Nasrul, Lita Indriani, Anugrah Tri Agustian, Nadia Putri Rahmadini, Muhammad Irfan Wardhana, Muhammad Fadillah, Hendri, Ratna Arif, Disna Yosita, Salis Andriani, Aulia Andini, Salma Daarin Yumna Nuhashofa, Yudhisthira Arya Nugraha, Alfan Qais Fadhillah


Sosialisasi Program Yakin (Yuk Antisipasi dan Kendalikan Hipertensi) Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Hipertensi di Desa Kluncing, Kecamatan Licin, Banyuwangi

Anggi Margareta Ardiyanti, Septa Indra Puspikawati, Diansanto Prayoga, Avila Abilia, Firrial Eksa, Imelda Damayanti, Nafkha Nisa, Putri Nur, Uyun Loveni, Melati Octavi, Lailatu Rohmah, Oktario Dinansa, Muhamad Isa, Fertika Nanda


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