Escherichia coli Bacterial Contamination Test On Snacks For School Children At Tulamalae Inpres Elementary School, Belu Regency

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Aprilyana Magdalena Bria
Yoseph M Laynurak
Yulita Iryani Mamulak


School Children's Snack Food (PJAS) is food that is found in the school environment and is routinely consumed by school children. It is expected that the School Children's Snack Food (PJAS) fulfills the requirements, namely the absence of biological contamination, both originating from the environment, food ingredients, people (food handlers), place and equipment. One of the biological contamination is contamination caused by Escherichia coli bacteria. The purpose of this study was: to determine the contamination of Escherichia coli bacteria in school children's snacks sold at SD Inpres Tulamalae. The method used is direct observation of the condition of the canteen and the environment around SD Inpres Tulamalae and food handlers around the SD to obtain Escherichia coli data, the test was carried out using the MPN (Most Probable Number) method with a series of 3 tubes. The results showed that in the presumption test all the tubes were positive tubes were marked by the presence of gas bubbles in the Durham tube and turbidy occurred in LB (Lactose Broth) media, all that tested positive were folloerd by a confirmation test, in the confirmation test all negative tubes were marked with no there were gas bubbles in the Durham tube and no turbidity in BGLB (Briliant Green Lactose Bile Broth) media with an MPN value of 0/100 ml.


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