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Ubi gaplek (Manihot esculenta) is a processed product of cassava which is obtained from the tubers being peeled and split lengthwise into two or four parts then dried in the sun until dry. Molds and yeasts are microorganisms that can contaminate a product, both food and drink. People really like various types of food, but don't pay attention to the quality of the food itself. Many cases of foodborne illness result from consuming dangerous foods, such as food contaminated by natural toxins (poisonous mold, moldy food). Food safety efforts are very necessary to protect the public from food that does not achieve quality requirements. Yeast Mold Number Test (AKK) is one of the parameters for food product quality requirements. This research was conducted to determine the number of yeast molds on cassava potatoes in Belu Regency and Ende Regency. AKK research on cassava sweet potato samples was carried out in accordance with the provisions of BPOM regulation No. 13 of 2019 using the cup counting method. Testing yeast mold numbers using PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) media. The test results for yeast mold numbers on cassava sweet potato samples were above 102 colonies/g. According to BPOM regulation No. 13 of 2019, the quality requirement for yeast mold numbers is 102 colonies/g so it can be concluded that uncooked cassava potatoes from Belu Regency and Ende Regency did not achieve the requirements of BPOM regulation No. 13 of 2019.
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