Eternitas: Jurnal Teknik Sipil 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Agustinus Haryanto Pattiraja Open Journal Systems <p>Eternitas merupakan Jurnal Teknik Sipil yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira di Kupang. Kata Eternitas yang digunakan sebagai judul Jurnal merupakan kata serapan dari bahasa Inggris yaitu dari Kata <em>Eternity</em> yang berarti Keabadian. Kata <em>Eternity</em> yang digunakan sendiri merupakan gabungan kependekan dari kalimat <em>ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMANITY</em> yang memiliki arti Teknik dan Teknologi untuk Kemanusiaan dengan harapan setiap tulisan yang dipublikasikan dalam Jurnal ini memiliki dampak bagi kehidupan baik manusia maupun alam sekitarnya. &nbsp;Eternitas secara khusus bertujuan mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan bidang Ilmu Teknik Sipil yaitu : (1) Bidang Struktur Konstruksi (2) Bidang Lalulintas dan Transportasi (3) Bidang Manejemen Konstruksi (4) Bidang Sumber Daya Air (5) Bidang Geoteknik dan (6) Bidang Konstruksi Jalan. Serta Junral ini tidak tertutup kemungkinan topik terkait aspek ketekniksipilan lainnya.</p> ANALISIS KESELAMATAN LALU LINTAS BERDASARKAN KELENGKAPAN KESELAMATAN BERKENDARA 2024-02-06T12:40:15+07:00 Petrus Yohanes Nabasin Sarep Gilbert Markpeter Targanski Didoek Yuyun Indriani Pora Benedictus Sani Keraf Engelbertha N. Bria Seran <p><em>Traffic safety refers to efforts to prevent accidents and injuries related to the use of roads and transportation systems. This includes various aspects designed to maintain the safety of drivers, passengers, pedestrians and other road users. The main goal of traffic safety is to reduce the risk of accidents, protect human life, and reduce the impact of injuries caused by traffic accidents.</em> <em>Many factors can cause road accidents, including driver negligence in driving equipment and driving behavior that does not pay attention to safety. This research was conducted to determine driving discipline and safety. The survey was conducted on Jalan Kaniti Dusun 4 Penfui Timur for 4 days starting from 26 July 2023 to 1 August 2023 (Saturdays and Sundays where surveys were not carried out) from 08.00 to 16.00 WITA. The discussion of this article will begin with an overview of traffic safety and equipment for driving and planned activities.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PERANCANGAN PERKERASAN JALAN KOMPOSIT PADA RUAS JALAN KANITI DESA PENFUI TIMUR KABUPATEN KUPANG 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Atrianus Lourdes Krisantus Satrio Wibowo Pedo Pedo Krisantos Ria Bela <p><em>The condition of road infrastructure in East Penfui Village is inadequate on several road segments because road improvements are not commensurate with village growth. One of the village infrastructure improvement plans is improvements to the Kaniti Road section (Kaniti Bridge). Composite pavement planning on this section needs to be done as an alternative to selecting the right type of pavement. This research method uses a calculation method based on the rigid pavement layer thickness planning guidelines Pd-T-14-2003 and calculates flexible pavement layer thickness using component analysis methods. The design results are Jointed Reinforced Concrete</em> <em>Pavement with a design age of 20 years without concrete shoulders, a concrete slab thickness of 22 cm, a slab width of 5.5 m, a slab connection length of 5 m, shrinkage joints, and spokes and concrete transverse and longitudinal reinforcement. The plate thickness is 22 cm and meets the requirements of the fatigue and erosion analysis results. The results of designing the thickness of the composite pavement layer with a design life of 20 years consist of subgrade, sub-base in the form of aggregate A 10 cm thick,</em><em> LMC (Lean Mix-Concrete</em><em>) 15 cm thick, a surface layer in the form of a concrete slab 22 cm thick, and HRS (Hot Rolled Sheet)</em><em> asphlalt</em><em> is 5 cm thick..</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ANALISIS RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU DALAM MENDUKUNG GREEN CITY KOTA KUPANG 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Elsye K. Nait I. N. W. Mahayasa Januhari Effendi <p><em>The provision of green open space is still an issue for some city in Indonesia, especially cities with a high population density. Green City Development Program is an effort by the central government in regional development, which refers to the principle of sustainable development in order to realize an environmentally friendly green city. Two of the eight attributes that are very important in realizing green city is a green open space and green community. Kupang city has an active area of green open space is still below 20%, indicating that the city of Kupang has not qualified in the leading green city. for that we need the effort to support the creation of a green city based on analysis of open green space Kota Kupang. Location Part II Region Development Kota Kupang were chosen for this study. This study aims to find green open space conditions today as well as implementing a design approach Green City Green Open Space and Green Community. This research uses descriptive quantitative method that aims to illustrate the need for green open space in Part II Region Development Kupang city. Based on the research, design Green Open Space actively adds 228.484 ha to 277.914 ha which was originally 49.43 Ha. In addition to the role of the community is important because of the role of the society that determines the success of a green city.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 HUBUNGAN KELAS SITUS TERHADAP BESARAN GAYA GESER SESISMIK SESUAI SNI 1726:2019 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Hendry David Zacharias <p><em>Earthquakes are natural phenomena that can cause building collapse and loss of life. During an earthquake, buildings standing on the ground will experience movement at its base, the acceleration arising from ground motion will cause horizontal / lateral inertial forces on the mass of the structure, then used as a plan earthquake force that must be reviewed in planning. According to article 7.8 of SNI 1726:2019, the seismic base shear force is the product of the seismic response coefficient (Cs) and the building's seismic weight (W). The seismic response coefficient must be determined by the spectral acceleration parameter (SDS) which is highly dependent on the site class classification regulated in Article 5 of SNI 1726:2019, which uses the top 30 m layer profile data from the soil investigation. This study uses a 1-span reinforced concrete frame with 3 floors and 20 locations spread across Kupang City to see the effect of site class on the magnitude of seismic base shear force. The results showed that the base shear force of SC site increased by 87.5% against SB site, the base shear force of SD site increased by 9.22% against SC then the shear force of SE site decreased by 1.94%..</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PERBANDINGAN KARAKTERISTIK MARSHALL PADA CAMPURAN ASPAL PANAS LAPIS BETON LAPIS ANTARA MENGGUNAKAN AGREGAT UKURAN 25 mm DAN AGREGAT UKURAN 19 mm 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Maria Krisanti Ivoni Milo Milo Egidius Kalogo Krisantos Ria Bela <p><em>The hot mix asphalt-aggregate mixture in the construction of asphalt concrete roads generally consists of three layers: the base layer, intermediate layer, and surface layer placed on a granular subbase. One of the asphalt concrete layers is the Intermediate Layer, which is a hot asphalt mixture consisting of aggregate, asphalt material, and filler mixed at a central mixing plant. The resulting mixture is spread and compacted on the Aggregate Base Layer. The hot asphalt mixture is designed according to the General Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction by the Directorate General of Highways in 2018 (Revision 3) to ensure that the design assumptions regarding Asphalt Content, Air Voids, Stability, Flexibility, and Durability are in line with the planned traffic. Research results indicate differences in Marshall characteristics from Marshall test results for the Intermediate Layer asphalt concrete mixture (AC-BC) of the two compositions. Almost all Marshall properties meet the Directorate General of Highways specifications in 2018 Revision 3, except for Flow with a particle size of 19 mm, which does not meet the specified flow range of 2 – 4 mm, and Marshall Stability for Aggregate Residue with a particle size of 19 mm, which does not meet the specified minimum of 90%. Meanwhile, the Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) values for Aggregate with a particle size of 25 mm are 5.11%, and for Aggregate with a particle size of 19 mm, it is 5.18%.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PENGARUH PARKIR DI BADAN JALAN TERHADAP KINERJA RUAS JALAN TIMOR RAYA KM 8+800 SAMPAI DENGAN KM 9+000 2024-02-06T12:40:16+07:00 Aldi Fernando Lifu Engelbertha N. Bria Seran Merzy Mooy Gregorius Paus Usboko <p><em>Development of socio-economic activities occurs linearly with respect to the road network. Along the edge of the Timor Raya Timor Raya road Km 8+800 to Km 9+000 the side barriers are now getting higher, both due to vehicle parking on the road body, as well as due to vehicles entering and leaving the parcel (access) and pedestrians on the shoulder of the road and road crossings. Traffic problems that arise due to the activity of vehicles parked on the road are of course detrimental to road users such as when the vehicle is parked or when the vehicle exits the parking lot, therefore parking controls on the Timor Raya road Km 8+800 to Km 9+000 is the most important thing to do to control traffic so that congestion, pollution, noise can be minimized. Based on the analysis conducted using the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI, 1997). It is known that the peak volume occurred on Monday, 08 May 2023 at 17.30-18.30 WITA with a volume of 2162.75 PCU/hour, a capacity of 2366.63 PCU/hour, and the performance of Jalan Timor Raya, Oesapa Km 8+800 to Km 9+ 000, is at service level E with a DS value of 0.91. with a light vehicle free flow speed of 35.8 km/hour and an average speed of 22 km/hour. in conditions without light vehicle (LV) and heavy vehicle (HV) parking on the road, enter service level D where the DS value reaches 0.78, with a capacity of 2781.83 pcu/hour, free flow speed of light vehicles 38.9 km/hour and an average speed of 28 km/hour. Whereas in conditions without parking at the entrance to the service level C where the DS value reaches 0.71, with a capacity of 3019.31 pcu/hour, the free flow speed of light vehicles is 42.6 km/hour and the average speed is 32 km /hour</em>.</p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023