Lumen Veritatis: Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi 2023-12-11T16:19:38+07:00 Dr Herman Punda Panda Open Journal Systems <p>Lumen Veritatis, the light of truth, is a journal that aims to promote a culture of truth from both philosophical and theological perspectives. Our journal features insightful and thought-provoking perspectives, astute analysis, and reflective commentaries that highlight the significance of truth in contemporary society. We focus on the latest developments in philosophy and theology, with a particular emphasis on Indonesian local wisdom, while engaging in critical dialogues with global philosophical and theological traditions. Lumen Veritatis is published twice a year, in April and October.</p> KRISIS METAFISIKA DAN FILSAFAT SEBAGAI TUGAS BERPIKIR: PERSPEKTIF HEIDEGGER 2023-12-11T16:19:38+07:00 Petrus Tan <p>This article aims to reflect further Heidegger's thought on the crisis of metaphysics and philosophy as a task of thinking. Philosophy since ancient times, even today, has been oriented to seek and formulate the essential and universal concept. Is it true that searching for the ontotheological nature is the most important task of philosophy? Is it true that these single principles can reflect the truth? By using the method of library researh and critical analysis of Heidegger's works and studies on the crisis of metaphysics, this article shows that philosophy essentially does not aim to formulate absolute, universal and single notion. Philosophy is also not a project of producing standard, abstract, sophisticated and technical concepts. The important task of philosophy is to encourage men to think, an art of understanding. Thinking is not a calculative thinking (instrumental-technical rationality) but meditative and reflective thinking. Under philosophy as the task of thinking, Being, namely the totality of reality, is responded with amazement, humility and simplicity. Philosophy must liberate itself from the metaphysical trap of totalitarian power which tends to hegemonize others in the name of a single truth, to philosophy that celebrates the plurality of truths with humility dan simplicity. That is the real meaning of philosophy as philo-sophia, the love of wisdom<strong>.</strong></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Petrus Tan EFEK ILMU BEBAS NILAI DAN RELEVANSINYA TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN SENJATA NUKLIR DI DUNIA 2023-10-30T08:24:09+07:00 Andreas Jama <p><em>This study examines the impact of value-free science on the development of nuclear weapons by several developed countries. The aim is to understand the reasons and motives behind these countries' pursuit of nuclear weapons. The production of nuclear weapons by these countries has reached a significant level, indicating underlying factors that drive their competition. The methodology employed in this study is a literature review. By examining the effects of value-free science, particularly in relation to the development of nuclear weapons, information was gathered from various sources. The study reveals that the production and proliferation of nuclear weapons by several developed countries for military purposes can be attributed to the influence of value-free science. In this context, value-free science implies that these countries have prioritized their own interests over social welfare.</em></p> 2023-10-26T16:20:05+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andreas Jama MENGENAL TEOLOGI BONAVENTURA: SPIRITUALITAS SEBAGAI DASAR REFLEKSI DAN MASA DEPAN TEOLOGI 2023-10-30T08:24:09+07:00 Yohanes Wahyu Prasetyo Yohanes Wahyu Prasetyo <p>According to Bonaventure, theological reasoning requires grace in order to arrive at wisdom, namely knowledge and love. This shows that there is an integral relationship between theology and spirituality. Spirituality is used as the basis for theological reflection. In other words, theology begins with the spiritual life. Theology directs humans to meet God and manifest love in everyday life. So that theology cannot be reduced only as an intellectual thought. In addition, reason must be equipped with faith in order to reach perfection and enable humans to understand reality correctly. Bonaventure’s contemplative method directs humans to transcend the limitations of logic and reason.</p> 2023-10-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yohanes Wahyu Prasetyo MENELISIK KONSEP DOSA DAN PERTOBATAN DALAM RITUS “OKE SAKI” MASYARAKAT ADAT WANGKUNG RAHONG DAN PERBANDINGANNYA DENGAN AJARAN KATOLIK 2023-10-30T08:24:09+07:00 Antonius Mbukut <p><em>T</em><em>he purpose of t</em><em>his </em><em>article</em> <em>is to </em><em>explains the Wangkung Rahong people’s concept of sin and repentance in the “Oke Saki” rite and is then </em><em>reflected</em> <em>in the Catholic Church’s </em><em>concept</em><em> of sin and repentance. The author makes a comparison by finding similarities and differences between the </em><em>concept</em><em> of the Wangkung Rahong people and the </em><em>Catholic</em><em> Church’s </em><em>concept</em><em> of sin and repentance. </em><em>The method that used in this study is qualitative method. </em><em>The author</em><em> also will</em><em> formulates the pastoral implications of the similarities and differences between the Wangkung Rahong people and the Catholic Church’s </em><em>concept</em><em> of sin and repentance. </em></p> 2023-10-26T16:29:17+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Antonius Mbukut ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI SOFT SKILLS MAHASISWA DENGAN PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING 2023-10-30T08:24:09+07:00 Desiderius Metan Wiwik Ira Handayani <p>This study aims to examine the effect of student organizations and the learning environment on soft skills with problem-based learning as an intervening variable for the Philosophy Study Program students, at Widya Mandira Catholic University. The sampling technique used simple random sampling with the Slovin formula and obtained 57 samples from a total population of 134 students in semesters 3, 5, and 7. This study used primary data from questionnaires and interviews. This study also uses the SEM PLS analysis technique and is processed with Smart PLS software 3.0. The results of the inferential statistical test consist of five hypotheses were accepted and two hypotheses were rejected. Five hypotheses are accepted, namely, student organization variables (X1) and learning environment (X2) have an effect on problem-based learning variables (Y1); learning environment variables (X2) and problem-based learning (X3) have an effect on soft skills variables (Y2); learning environment variables (X2) affect the soft skills variables through the problem-based learning variable as an intermediary variable. While the two hypotheses that were rejected are the direct influence of student organizations (X1) on soft skill variables and also the indirect influence of student organizations on soft skills through problem-based learning variables.</p> 2023-10-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Desiderius Metan, Wiwik Ira Handayani