Editorial: L. M. F. Purwanto, Reginaldo Christophori Lake

Architecture is one part of culture, which reflects the development of human life from time to time and displays various types of life (Sharr 2012). The embodiment of architectural studies can appear in various perspectives, such as the study of technology, symbols, open space, landscape, interior and also architectural education, as in the articles of ARTEKS in this edition volume 6 issue 2, August 2021.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30822/arteks.v6i2

Published: 2021-08-01

Utilization of public open space in Kampung Deret Petogogan Jakarta

Friska Hasibuan, Fermanto Lianto, Samsu Hendra Siwi, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto


The green-based school and the creation of student’s environmental attitude and behavior

Restika R. Efiariza, Ova Candra Dewi, Toga H. Panjaitan, Rizka Felly


The impact of housing transformation to livability in North Bandung Peri-urban area

Romi Bramantyo Margono, Yulia, Siswanti Zuraida, Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi
